Jorge Ibor

Patent Adviser

Academic Qualifications

  • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Graduate in Biotechnology, specialized in Plant Biotechnology (2020)

  • Universidad de Valencia. Master in Research & Development in Biotechnology and Biomedicine (2022)

Jorge joined ABG in 2022 and is a patent adviser at the Biotechnology & Life Sciences department. His practice focuses on patentability searches, patent prosecution and drafting in the areas of molecular and cellular biology, pharmacogenomics, gene therapy, immunology, animal models, and diagnostic methods.

During his academic training, Jorge gained experience on several fields of his specialty, which gave him a much more global vision of the scientific landscape. His Final Degree project about the proteomic and metabolomics analysis of vegan burgers took place at the Science & Technology University of Hong Kong. Soon after, Jorge achieved a practice stay at the innovation centre that the company Procter & Gamble has in Brussels. It was there where he focused on researching new detergents for the Ariel brand.  He also developed his Final Master work at Novartis, where he was part of the Pharmaceutical’s Neurosciences Marketing team.

Jorge participated at the 20-21 edition of the EPO Pan European Seal Program, where he got the chance to work closely to European patent office patent examiners for a whole year.

Jorge is a Spanish and Valencian native speaker. He is also fluent in English, French, and German.
